Cold War - 3 conferences 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryThe Cold WarGCSEEdexcel Created by: Isabel StansburyCreated on: 13-03-13 16:17 The conference they decided to split Germany? Yalta 1 of 16 Who was the British Prime minister at Teheran and Yalta? Churchill 2 of 16 Who was the President of the USA at Teheran and Yalta? Roosevelt 3 of 16 Who replaced the US president in 45? Truman 4 of 16 Who became Prime minister in 1945? Atlee 5 of 16 Which was the first conference they decided to move Poland's borders? Teheran 6 of 16 What did the superpowers establish at Yalta? UnitedNations 7 of 16 Who did they agree most of the reparations would go to in Potsdma Conference? USSR 8 of 16 When did the USA test the A Bomb? nineteenfortyfive 9 of 16 What did the superpowers agree to liberate european countries from? nazism 10 of 16 What did Truman want to give the liberated countries? Freeelections 11 of 16 What is the USSR's army also known as? Redarmy 12 of 16 Where did Stalin want to push borders further in? Yalta 13 of 16 What was the second conference? Yalta 14 of 16 What was the final Conference? Potsdam 15 of 16 When was the first conference held nineteenfortythree 16 of 16
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