Collapse of democracy

Public feeling about the weimar government
The public disliked the association of the government with the treaty. One of the ways this was shown was when Von Hindenburg, who wasted no time in voicing the stab in the back theory of the treaty, was elected president of the republic
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What was the theory about the treaty?
The German army could have won the war but was stabbed in the back by the November criminals. The theory contributed to the unpopularity of the weimar gov.
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Economic problems and the governments failure in dealing with it
The USA had been lending money to countries in Europe to help them recover from the effects of the war, it was these loans that put Germany back on its feet.When the crash the USA called for its loans back dragging other countries into depression
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Effects of the depression
Prices and unemployment rose rapidly, wages fell. The government failed to agree on a policy to help the economy and as it argued the situation worsened and support for extremist parties rose.
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Coalition Failure
Hindenburg was not inclined to keep chancellors who could not agree on a policy but changing them would have made government seem haphazard . Parties found it harder to work together and the SPD refused to take part in anymore coalitions.
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The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis
In the 1930 elections communists and Nazis made gains . The
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Card 2


What was the theory about the treaty?


The German army could have won the war but was stabbed in the back by the November criminals. The theory contributed to the unpopularity of the weimar gov.

Card 3


Economic problems and the governments failure in dealing with it


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Card 4


Effects of the depression


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Coalition Failure


Preview of the front of card 5
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