Collection and processing of forensic evidence

  • Created by: Rosa335
  • Created on: 19-06-17 14:14
What is confirmation bias?
when people observe more, give extra emphasis to or intentionally look for evidence that could validate their current beliefs. Makes people likely to excuse/ignore evidence that could contradict their beliefs
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What is expectation bias?
Occurs when investigators disbelieve or downgrade the significance of findings that conflict with their original expectations, while certifying material that supports pre-existing expectations
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What is motivational bias?
May happen in serious crimes when the scientists want the police to 'win' and when in doubt always makes is decision in that direction
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What is conformity effect?
If a fingerprint expert is asked to validate decision of a peer or superior. This effect may unconsciously bias them to agree with the original decision if they are aware of it
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What is contextual bias?
Scientist working within a police lab could be influenced by knowing that detective believe they have a strong suspect, or that the suspect has already confessed to having committed the crime
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Who investigated the motivating factors in the processing of fingerprint evidence?
Charlton et al (2010)
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Outline Charlton's aim
To investigate the emotional and motivational factors involved in fingerprint analysis. (13 experienced fingerprint analysers used)
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Outline Charlton's results
Motivational factors revealed: Job satisfaction, use of skill, satisfaction related to catching criminals, solving high profile or long running cases. Fear of making errors
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Outline Charlton's conclusion
Fingerprint analysers are emotionally driven and motivated to achieve results for themselves, their employees, the police or society. Subtle psychological factors, e.g. need for closure, may lead to erroneous conclusions
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How can Bias in the collection and processing of forensic evidence be reduced?
Bias counter measures: Blinding precautions, Independent checking. Structured approach to the analysis of forensic evidence.
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What are blinding precautions?
Providing the examiner only with info about case that is required in order to conduct an effective examination. Mostly reduced contextual bias. Examiner cannot have any knowledge of case or previous conclusions
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What is independent checking?
Minimises the risk of cognitive bias entails assessment without knowing the outcome of the initial analysis/ to avoid confirmation bias, the identity of the original examiner
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Outline the Structured approach to the analysis of forensic evidence.
ACE-V: Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation & Verification. Arriving at a decision using a step-by-step linear process. It can effectively reduce/eliminate the influence of the target on the conclusion drawn
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Card 2


What is expectation bias?


Occurs when investigators disbelieve or downgrade the significance of findings that conflict with their original expectations, while certifying material that supports pre-existing expectations

Card 3


What is motivational bias?


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Card 4


What is conformity effect?


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Card 5


What is contextual bias?


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