
  • Created by: grace122
  • Created on: 21-11-17 09:26
What was collectivization
Agriculture was reformed, peasants worked together and pooled resources, used machinery that was provided by the state in MTS, government took 90% of produce
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What was Stalin's response to the grain crisis
He increased the power of the government over the economy, introduced rationing due to the lack of bread and sugar, grain requisitioning was resumed, grain hoarding was punished, meat requisitioning also introduced
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Why was dekalukisation introduced
Dekalukisation marked the end of capitalism and independent farming in the countryside, sped up collectivization
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Stalin's campaign against the kulaks
He told the poorer peasants to lead the way
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What did Stalin do to get the peasants to co-operate
He sent 25,000 industrial workers into the country side, they were supposed to show the peasants better ways to use machinery, instead they enforced dekulakisation and round secret grain stores
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Why did Stalin collectivise
Grain production was low this made prices rise, affected the government as they sold grain abroad to make profit for industry
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Why collectivise part ii
Cheap, quick and efficient labour, Stalin wanted to counter revolutionary thoughts in the countryside, control
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Why collectivise part iii
Bukharin didn't like collectivization, he wanted to import grain, so by Stalin proposing it Bukharin was undermined
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Why collectivise part iiii
An ideological term, the peasants were producing grain for themselves and not for the community, didn't show revolutionary spirit in the way they farmed
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Consequence of collectivization
Kulaks were shot or imprisoned
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Consequences part ii
Stalin was able to undermine Bukharin by stating the NEPs failure, by using the grain crisis (Kulaks), Stalin also used it to show that the kulaks slowed down the process of collectivization
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The benefits of collectivization
Large farms efficient-more grain, less labour-they could work in the new industries, collectivization accompanied by mechanization
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How was collectivization enforced and the consequences
Was voluntary in 1928 but the peasants ignored so it was forced, many burnt livestock and crops, lead to famine
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Consequences of collectivization part ii
Disturbances, between 1929-30 30,000 arson attempts
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How did the party react
Very shocked
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Card 2


What was Stalin's response to the grain crisis


He increased the power of the government over the economy, introduced rationing due to the lack of bread and sugar, grain requisitioning was resumed, grain hoarding was punished, meat requisitioning also introduced

Card 3


Why was dekalukisation introduced


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Card 4


Stalin's campaign against the kulaks


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Card 5


What did Stalin do to get the peasants to co-operate


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