Focus on Protecting and Maintaining individual liberties
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Robert Nozick
State's power limited to protection against fraud.
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Classical Liberalism view of TAX
Nozick: Taxation = Forced labor. (Forcing hardworking to work and support needy)
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Political Liberalism
Equality is more important than freedom. (sometimes freedoms must be limited to prevent inequality)
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John Rawls - thought experiment
"The original position" - taking away everything that gives us our position in society and being unaware of where we will end up, due to our self-interested nature we would choose a society where the least well-off are as well-off as possible.
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Political Liberalism view of TAX
Taxation, wealth redistribution, limited property rights all needed to avoid poverty.
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state required to REGULATE and ENFORCE civilized behaviour
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State as an organic enitity
Conservatists encourage social order and restrict activities damaging to society. (if people are given too many freedoms might damage societal structures)
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State is an oppression and we would be better off without it
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all animals and humans operate according to a system of mutual aide and at first we may have a state of war but we'd realize that co-operating is best and would then flourish
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Political anarchists motivated by
the fact that no one can give a reason for why we obey a state. we are just born in one and obey out of fear not moral obligation.
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Human nature is CREATIVE and COMMUNAL
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Karl Marx
proposed a centrally planned state where everyone works to their ABILITIES and receives goods according to their NEEDS.
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Marxism on capitalism
exploits the working class and alienates human's from their true creative communal nature
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Problems with Marxism
difficult to asses ABILITIES. Practically impossible to reorganize a state. Would need leaders and power corrupts. Is capitalism really that bad? are we really creative and communal?
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
State's power limited to protection against fraud.
Robert Nozick
Card 3
Nozick: Taxation = Forced labor. (Forcing hardworking to work and support needy)
Card 4
Equality is more important than freedom. (sometimes freedoms must be limited to prevent inequality)
Card 5
"The original position" - taking away everything that gives us our position in society and being unaware of where we will end up, due to our self-interested nature we would choose a society where the least well-off are as well-off as possible.
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