Component 2 - Algorithms

Computational Thinking : Decomposition
Breaking a complex problem down into smaller problems and solving each one individually.
1 of 10
Computational Thinking : Abstraction
Picking out the important bits of information from the problem, ignoring specific details that don't matter.
2 of 10
Computational Thinking : Algorithm Thinking
A logical way of getting from the problem to solution. A step by step process for solving a problem.
3 of 10
Algorithm : What is Pseudo code?
Code that is part English, part programming code pseudo code.
4 of 10
Algorithm : What is a Flow Chart?
A symbolic representation of an algorithm.
5 of 10
Search Algorithms : Binary Search
The process of comparing the desired item to the middle element.
6 of 10
Search Algorithms : Linear Search
A process that checks every item in the list sequentially until the desired item is found.
7 of 10
Sorting Algorithms : Bubble Sort
An algorithm that repeatedly goes through the unsorted list, compares the adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.
8 of 10
Sorting Algorithms : Merge Sort
An algorithm that splits the items to be sorted into two groups and sorts each group to merge them into the final sorted sequence.
9 of 10
Sorting Algorithms : Insertion Sort
An algorithm that builds the final list one item at a time insertion sort.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Picking out the important bits of information from the problem, ignoring specific details that don't matter.


Computational Thinking : Abstraction

Card 3


A logical way of getting from the problem to solution. A step by step process for solving a problem.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Code that is part English, part programming code pseudo code.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A symbolic representation of an algorithm.


Preview of the back of card 5
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