Computer science - Algorithms and programming 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingProgrammingGCSEEdexcel Created by: Jammy PCreated on: 11-04-16 17:29 A rounded rectangle in a flowchart terminator 1 of 13 Rectangle in a flow chart process 2 of 13 A problem with the way the program is written syntaxError 3 of 13 Sorting algorithm that works by dividing the data into smaller sets until it is easier to sort quickSort 4 of 13 Diamond in a flow chart decision 5 of 13 Rules that a program follows Algorithm 6 of 13 A search that only works if data is sorted binary search 7 of 13 Sorting algorithm that compares two adjacent data values in an array and swaps them if necessary bubbleSort 8 of 13 An error that causes the program to perform in a different way to expected logicError 9 of 13 A data type that can be true or false boolean 10 of 13 A search that moves from one side of the data set to the other linear 11 of 13 A list variable array 12 of 13 The way the program is written syntax 13 of 13
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