Computer Science Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingNetworksGCSEAQA Created by: Robbie BakerCreated on: 12-05-18 15:42 A series of computers and other devices that are connected together and can share data and resources Network 1 of 36 An International network of computers, a network of networks Internet 2 of 36 A collection of webpages that are accessible over the Internet World Wide Web 3 of 36 Any network in which the computers communicate using resources supplied by a third party Wide Area Network 4 of 36 A group of connected devices on a single site Local Area Network 5 of 36 A group of connected devices on a single site using radio waves Wireless Local Area Network 6 of 36 A network centred around a single user such as Bluetooth Personal Area Network 7 of 36 Converts web addresses into IP addresses Domain Name System 8 of 36 The address a computer can be contacted on through a network Internet Protocol Address 9 of 36 Different devices that aren't typically considered computers that are connected to the Internet Internet of Things 10 of 36 An address built into any network interface card by the manufacturer that is the unique ID for that interface MAC Address 11 of 36 The device in a computer that allows connection to a network Network Interface Card 12 of 36 Connects multiple networks and sends data packets on their way in the best direction often between a LAN and the internet Router 13 of 36 Connection multiple computers in a LAN. Only sends packets to the intended recipient Switch 14 of 36 Connects multiple computers in a LAN. Sends packets to all devices Hub 15 of 36 The amount of data that can be carried at a time Bandwidth 16 of 36 Topology - Multiple devices connection into a central hub or switch Star 17 of 36 Topology - Multiple devices connecting into one main cable Bus 18 of 36 Fast way of transmitting data over long distances using light Fibre Optic 19 of 36 Copper cable that is cheap but deteriorates significantly over distances Ethernet 20 of 36 An agreed set of rules for devices to communicate Network Protocol 21 of 36 Checking that the computer and the user are allowed to access content Authentication 22 of 36 Encoding of data so it can no longer be understood Encryption 23 of 36 Checks outgoing destination are allowed from that network and checks incoming traffic isn't malicious Firewall 24 of 36 Configuring a router to block access from specific devices identified by their MAC address MAC Address Filtering 25 of 36 Layer - Where applications such as web browers or e-mail programs operate Application Layer 26 of 36 Layer - Sets up communication between the two hosts and they agree settings Network Layer 27 of 36 Layer - Addresses and packages data for transmission. Routes packets across the network Transport Layer 28 of 36 Layer - This is where network hardware is located Link Layer 29 of 36 Protocol - Most web browser traffic will use this method HTTP 30 of 36 Protocol - Web browser traffic that is encrypted HTTPS 31 of 36 Protocol - Used for sending e-mails SMTP 32 of 36 Protocol - Used to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server (More Advanced) IMAP 33 of 36 Protocol - Used to send files to or retrieve files from a server FTP 34 of 36 Protocol - Breaks up messages sent over the network into small chunks called packets. Detects errors at other end TCP 35 of 36 An open data connection to send a stream of packets without checking if they are received correctly UDP 36 of 36
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