Computer Systems, Von Neumann ( Chapter 1 )

Holds actual data from the CPU
Memory Data Register (MDR)
1 of 9
A register that holds the next instruction that is Carried out in the CPU
Program Counter (PC)
2 of 9
Part of the the CPU that Carries out all the ARITMETIC and LOGICAL OPERATIONS
Aritmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
3 of 9
Locates Data or Instruction that is stored in the MEMORY
Memory Address Register (MAR)
4 of 9
Responsible for directing the flow of all inputs and Outputs of the CPU
Control Unit (CU)
5 of 9
A register where intermediate artimetic and logic are STORED
Accumulator (ACC)
6 of 9
Small Section of Memory that is built in the CPU. It Stores CCOMMONLY used INSTRUCTIONS
7 of 9
The part of the instruction that tells the CPU WHAT operation to perfork
8 of 9
Part of the instuction that tells the CPU WHERE to perform the operation
9 of 9

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Card 2


Program Counter (PC)


A register that holds the next instruction that is Carried out in the CPU

Card 3


Aritmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Memory Address Register (MAR)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Control Unit (CU)


Preview of the back of card 5
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