Modern computers work in binary as it is easy to represent two states in a simple electronic circuit. Binary is a number system with just two symbols, 0 and 1. 1 represents on, 0 represents off.
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Why do we use hex in computer systems?
Large binary numbers are hard to remember and programmers want something that is easily convert from binary but also easy to recognise.
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each individual ‘1’ or ‘0’ is a bit-short for binary digit
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8 bits are a byte
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1024 bytes
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Megabyte (Mb)
1024 Kilobytes
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Gigabyte (Gb)
1024 Megabytes
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Terabyte (Tb)
1024 Gigabytes
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How is ASCII or Unicode represented in a computer?
Each character is assigned a unique character code. Each letter is converted to its character code (which is a binary number)
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What's the resolution of an image?
The resolution is the number of pixels per unit, for example the number of pixels per inch
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Card 2
Why do we use hex in computer systems?
Large binary numbers are hard to remember and programmers want something that is easily convert from binary but also easy to recognise.
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