Computing Key Words

The removal of unwanted or unnecessary information from a task or problem to provide focus
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Temporarily stores the results of calculations carried out by the ALU
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A form of spyware designed to automatically open or generate ads
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A sequence of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem or carry out a task
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A continuous signal that cannot be directly processed by a computer
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Software designed to stop and remove malicious software from a system
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Application Software
Installed into an operating system to actually produce work
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The data used by a sub-program
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Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The part of the CPU that carries out calculations
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A common coding standard of 128 characters for computer manufacturers to share
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A programming translator, used to convert low-level computer languages into computer instructions
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Assembly language
A low-level programming language
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The acknowledgement of an original creator of a piece of work when copying or using it
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The amount of data than can pass between two network devices per second
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Base 10
Our standard decimal numbering system
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Base 16
A number system with 16 characters of numbers and letters, also known as hexidecimal
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A base 2 number system using 2 digits: 1 and 0
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Binary Search
Looks for a specific value in an ordered list by comparing it to the others around it
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Binary Shift
The movement of bits in a binary sequence left and right to represent multiplication and division
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Basic input/output system; computer start-up software stored in ROM
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The number of bits per second to sample an audio file
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The act of using believable scenarios to trick people into giving up personal information
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A storage area within a solid-state drive
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Websites based around the creation of chronological entries or posts
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Boolean operators
Use of AND, OR and NOT to connect and define relationships between data values or search terms
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Brute force attack
Repeatedly trying different usernames and passwords in an attempt to access a system
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Bubble Sort
Repeatedly compares adjacent pairs of values in a list and swaps until all items are in order
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The connection and transfer of data between devices in a computer system
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C Family
A group of high-level programming languages
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Quick-to-access memory stored within the CPU
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In programming, the conversion of one data type into another
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Central Processing Unit
The core of a computer system that processes and controls the flow of data
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A single letter, number or symbol in a program
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Character Sets
Alphanumeric characters and symbols, converted into a computer-readable binary equivalent
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Check Digit
Used for error detection in indentification numbers; the last digit it checked against a criterion
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A computer or workstation that recieves information from a central server
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Clock speed
The rate in gigahertz per second at which instructions are processed by the CPU
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Cloud computing
The remote storing and accessibility of files and applications via the Internet
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Colour Depth
The number of bits per pixel in an electronic image
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Used to read high-level languages and convert progrmas as a whole into machine code
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The adding together of two strings in a program
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A value that cannot be changed or edited within a running program
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Control Unit
The part of the CPU that contros the flow of data both in and around the CPU
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Small files stored on computers, accessible by web servers, that contain internet browsing data
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The ownership rights of the original creator of any original content
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The processing units found inside a CPU; each core can carry out a seperate task
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A method of encrypting or decrypting text
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Data Bottlenecks
A problem caused by the processor and bus data transfer running at different speeds
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Data Compression
The process of reducing the file size of an electronic file
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Data Interception and Theft
Intercepting and decoding a message containing sensitive information before it reaches its destination
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A system for storing large amounts of data, categorized and structured for ease of accessibility
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The process of breaking tasks into smaller tasks which are easier to understand and then solve
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Re-organising the data on a hard drive to speed up access and free up storage space
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Also known as decimal, a base 10 number system
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Denial of Service attack
Flooding a website or network with data traffic to bring it to a halt
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Domain Name Server; links the IP address of a computer on a network to a text-based website address
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Small programs that control a particular device within a computer system
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Embedded System
A small computer system with a specific purposed that is built into a larger device
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The conversion of important data into a form that cannot be read without a key
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The ability to remobe stored data from a device or chip
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Erroneous data
Incorrect values that the program should not accept or process
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Error diagnostics
Also referred to as debugging tools, used to identify errors in particular lines of code
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A pseudocode arithmetic operator that assigns one value to the power of another
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Extended ASCII
An extended version of the ASCII system, increasing it to an 8-bit 256-character set
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Extreme Data
Values at the limit of what a program should be able to handle
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A category within a database
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File Management
The organisation of files and documents to allow for easy access and retrieval
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Hardware or software designed to protect a system from unauthorized access
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Flat-file database
A database with a single table and no links to other tables
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Flow Diagram
Visualizes an algorithm and shows clearly the flow of information
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Full Backup
The creation of an exact duplicate of a computer system for security purposes
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A type of sub-program designed to return a value that the program will use
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Global Positioning System; a satelite-based navigation system that provides devices with an exact geographical location
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GPS location
A user's current position on the earth calculated using latitude and longitude coordinates
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Graphical User Interface
A visual system, often cursor driven, that allows users to access and control a computer system
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A base 16 number system of 16 characters: 0-9 and A-F
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High Level Languages
Programming languages, such as Python, containing key words and syntax that programmers understand
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The storing of a website, or similar file system, on a network computer accessible via the internet
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The name given to a variable so it can be identified in a program
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A system designed to engage the user completely in an experience, often using 3D headset technology
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Incremental Backup
Making a copy of only the files and documents that have changed since the last backup was made
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Input Devices
Devices that proves an input signal into a computer system
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Insertion Sort
Repeatedly comparing each item in a list with the previous item and inserting it into the correct position
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A whole number in a program with no decimal point
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Internet Protocol
A unique identification address assigned to network devices to facilitate internet connectivity
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Software that converts high-level language files one line at a time into compatible machine code
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Repeating a task until a certain condition is met
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Iterative Testing
The program cycle of design, development and testing
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A high level programming language
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Local area network; computers are connected with the ability to share information in a local area
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A set of network protocols grouped together with a specific purpose
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Linear Search
Compares each value in a list, one at a time, to a required value until a match is made
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Logic Diagrams
Graphical representations of simple Boolean operations using gates
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Logic Error
A fault in the structure or design of a program
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Lossy Compression
File size reduction by permanently removing data such as duplicated data elements
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Lossless Compression
The use of an algorithm to compress data but then reconstruct it without data loss
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Low-Level Languages
Programming languages that are closer to direct instructions that a computer can understand
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Machine Code
A low-level programming language that can execute commands directly without any translation
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Short for malicious software: designed to cause damage or steal information from the user
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Media Access Control
A hardwired address assigned to all network devices during manufacture
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Memory Address Register
The location address in memory of the next piece of data or instruction that the CPU needs
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Memory Data Register
A CPU register that stores instructions or pieces of data
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Merge Sort
Data is repeatedly split into halves until single items remain, and then in reassembled in order
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Mesh Network
A network topology in which every device within the network in connected to every other device
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Additional file property data stored within a file, such as the date a photo was taken
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A pseudocode arithmetic operator that returns the remainder after a division
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The combination of multiple media elements: text, sound, video graphics and user interactivity
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Network Forensics
Monitors and records network traffic to make sure that any attacks can be analysed
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Network Policies
A set of practical rules that all users should follow within a network environment
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Network Storage
A secondary storage device that is accessed via network connectivity
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4-bits, half an 8-bit binary sequence
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Memory that retains its contents even after power is switched off
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Normal Data
Acceptable data a program is likely to accept and process
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One-dimensional Array
A single list in a program of common elements
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Open Source
Software created to be shared openly online at no cost or with no limits on how it can be used
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Operating System
Software designed to manage a computer system, control hardware and allow applications to be run
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Output devices
Devices that receive instructions or commands from a computer system and carry them out
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Overflow error
Occurs when a computer tries to process more bits than it is designed to handle
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Replacing the contents of a file with new data
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Packet switching
Transmitting data packets across multiple networks and reassembling them at the destination
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The variables used within a sub-program
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Strings of characters, numbers, letters and symbols that allow access to a computer system
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Patten Recognition
The identification of repeating elements or data similarities that can be built into an algorithm
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Penetration Testing
The search for vulnerabilities within a system that could be exploited for criminal purposes
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Individually set user access rights on a network
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Redirecting a user's website request to a fraudulent site, by modifying their DNS entries
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Impersonating an organization and asking users to confirm or divulge personal details
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Primary Key
A unique identifiable field withing a database that cannot be repeated
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Private Key
Required to open an encrypted message
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A type of sub-program: a set of instructions grouped together and assigned a name
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Program Counter
Continuously provides the CPU with the memory address of the next instruction to be carried out
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Owned by the individual or company who created it; permission is usually through a purchased licence
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Sets of rules devised for network-compatible devices to allow for effective communication
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A shared programming language using simple English terms to plan programs
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Public Encryption Key
Used to encrypt a message to prevent interception; can only be opened with the private key
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A high-level programming language
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A pseudocode arithmetic operator that divides but returns only a whole number or integer
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Random access memory is a temporary area that a computer uses to store data in current use
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Software designed to lock out user access to their system until a ransom is paid to unlock it
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A program data type; all numbers, including those with a decimal point
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A single row or entry of related data in a database
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Relational Database
Multiple databases, linked together by a common key field
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The numer of pixels used to represent an electronic image
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Read-only memory provides a computer system with important instructions that do not change
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Devices that connect networks together and allow communication between them
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Run-time Environment
Allows a program to be run and tested within an integrated development environment (IDE)
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The process of converting analouge into digital
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Sampling Frequency
The number of audio samples taken per second when converting analouge into digital
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Secondary Storage
Refers to the devices used to store programs, documents and files
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A decision that needs to be made before the next sequence can be carried out
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Carrying out tasks in a step-by-step sequence
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A dedicated device or software system to provide services or functionality to devices connected to it
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The technique of watching a user at an ATM abd recording their pin details
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Social Engineering
A range of methods used by con artists or criminals to access personal information
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Malware specifically designed to secretly pass on user information to a third party
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SQL Injection
The use of a common database programming language to access and steal information
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Star Network
A network topology with a server at the centre and computers with network devices connected around it
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Storage Capacities
The amount of data a device can store
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Streaming Services
Internet accessed multimedia content, presented to the use in real time as a constant data stream
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A collection of alphanumeric data characters and symbols, usually enclosed in quotation marks
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Structured Query Language
A programming language designed to create, edit and search databases
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A program section that can be called at any time during a larger program to save time/avoid repetition
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Devices that provise network connectivity between other devices
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Syntax Error
An error within a program that breaks the rules or grammar of the language in which it is written
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Test Plan
A written plan of program tests, the results and how any errors might be resolved
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Third-Party Applications
Applications made by an exteral organisation not connected with the OS or hardware
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The logical arrangement or physical structure of computers and network devices
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Semiconducting devices used to amplify or switch electronic flow in a circuit
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Software designed to convert a programming language into machine code
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Malware disguised as legitimate software, desinged to cause damage or provide access to criminals
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Truth Table
The representation of potential inputs and outputs in a logic diagram
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Two-dimensional Array
An array within which each element contains its own array or list of lists
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A character set designed to contain all possible characters from all known languages
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User Access Levels
Individual permissions for users to limit the information they can access, read or edit
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User Management
The management of users on a single computer within the same OS
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Utility Software
Used to carry out specific tasks to support an OS
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Part of a program that has been assigned a specific value by the programmer
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Virtual Memory
Created by the CPU on the hard drive if RAM becomes full
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Virtual Network
A software-managed network created within an existing physical network
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Malware hidden within another program or filw, designed to cause damage to file systems
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Visual Basic
A high-level programming language
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Memory that loses all data stored when the power is switched off
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von Nuemann Architecture
A 'stored program' computer system containing both the computer program and the data it processes
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Wide area network; created by connecting one LAN to another across a geographical space
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Wi-Fi Certified
An international standard for devices meeting industry-agreed network standards
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Malware with the ability to independently replicate itself and spread throughout a system
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A file handling mode enabling a new file to be created or an existing file to be overwritten
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Temporarily stores the results of calculations carried out by the ALU



Card 3


A form of spyware designed to automatically open or generate ads


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A sequence of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem or carry out a task


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A continuous signal that cannot be directly processed by a computer


Preview of the back of card 5
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