Computing - Open source and Proprietary software

  • Created by: 13awatson
  • Created on: 10-05-18 12:26
What is open source software?
software where the source code is freely available
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What can users do with open source software?
modify and create their own spin-off software which can be shared under the same licence and terms as the original
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Examples of open source software
GIMP, Firefox, VLC
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Advantages of open source software
Free, can be adapted to fit users needs, reliable and secure
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Disadvantages of open source software
small projects, may be buggy, may contain security holes, no warranties
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What is proprietary software?
software where the final file is only released. The source code is kept a secret and is usually paid for
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What does proprietary software restrict?
the modification, copying and redistribution of the software.
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Examples of companies using proprietary software
microsoft and adobe
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What software do businesses use?
proprietary because it has better customer support options
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Advantages of proprietary software
Comes with warranties and customer support, the software is well tested and reliable, usually cheaper for companies than making their own
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Disadvantages of proprietary software
can be expensive, may not fit users needs, old software is not maintained so need to buy latest product
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Card 2


modify and create their own spin-off software which can be shared under the same licence and terms as the original


What can users do with open source software?

Card 3


GIMP, Firefox, VLC


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Card 4


Free, can be adapted to fit users needs, reliable and secure


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Card 5


small projects, may be buggy, may contain security holes, no warranties


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