Computing: Software
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- Created by: kaliSerene
- Created on: 21-04-16 19:49
What is the operating system?
The operating system allows the programs that run on the computer to interact with the different hardware in a consistent way.
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Define a driver.
It is software that allows a piece of hardware to integrate with the host operating system. For example, if i was to add a network card to my PC the user would also need install the device driver for the network card to work properly.
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What is a menu driven interface? How does it work?
Contains a series of menus and choices which a user can select to navigate from one place to another within a website or software program.
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An advantage? A disadvantage? (menu driven interface)
An advantage is that there are no commands to remember. A disadvantage is that it can be easily confusing if the design is poor.
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What is a command line interface? How does it work?
Allows the user to interact directly with the computer system by typing in commands or instructions.
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An advantage? A disadvantage? (command line interface)
An advantage is that it requires low power to function. A disadvantage is the user having to remember all the commands and codes.
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What is a graphical user interface? How does it work? What does WIMP stand for?
WIMP stands for windows, icons, menus, pointers. All of these things are put together to make a GUI.
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An advantage? A disadvantage? (graphical user interface)
An advantage is that it is very easy to use, especially for a beginner using interfaces. Also offers a simple means to multitask. A disadvantage is that it is slower than the other interfaces as there is more going on.
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What type of computer memory are computer programs loaded into?
Random Access Memories (RAM)
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What is the size of computer memory measured in?
Gigabytes which is 1024 megabytes.
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What is meant by a computer virus?
A piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying the data.
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What types of things could a computer virus do?
Spread it to other computers, replicate itself, attack programs
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What are some examples of utility software?
Anti-virus, firewall, spyware protection, defragmentation etc.
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What is anti-virus?
Software that scans the computer for viruses and removes any found. It can also prevent any new viruses from infecting the computer.
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Why should anti-virus be kept up to date?
New versions for newer viruses
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What is a firewall?
Checks data travelling along the network connection and either filters it or blocks certain ports that are not allowed.
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What is spyware?
Software you install onto your computer that may monitor what you do without you knowing.
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How can spyware be prevented?
Using spyware protection which detects unwanted spyware programs and then uninstalling it.
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What is disk defragmentation?
The process of organising files and data in order and getting rid of gaps in the hard disk. This speeds up the computer.
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What is off the shelf software?
This type of software will be typically written by a company aiming to sell for a mass market. This type of software can be used for a variety of tasks.
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What are the advantages of off the shelf software?
Software ready, downloadable, community support such as forums for users sharing their problems, upgrades most likely for free as the developer will continue to develop and improve the software.
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What are the disadvantages of off the shelf software?
May include functionality you do not need, as it is trying to meet the requirements of many users. This can make it more difficult to use.
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What is bespoke software?
Custom written software for an individual's needs
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What are the advantages of bespoke software?
It does exactly what you want it to do.
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What are the disadvantages of bespoke software?
No community support to turn to if you have problems with the software. Costs are high.
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What is proprietary software?
Software that a company sells users for money. They often try to hide their code so people or other companies don't steal or try to mimic it.
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What is open source software?
Software created by anyone that is shared with other people. Anyone can see how it works, make changes or improvements, contributing to the continued development of the software. It is often free.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define a driver.
It is software that allows a piece of hardware to integrate with the host operating system. For example, if i was to add a network card to my PC the user would also need install the device driver for the network card to work properly.
Card 3
What is a menu driven interface? How does it work?
Card 4
An advantage? A disadvantage? (menu driven interface)
Card 5
What is a command line interface? How does it work?
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