Programs, routines and procedures (together with their associated documentation) which can be run on a computer system.
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What is the definition of a peripheral?
A piece of equipment (or hardware) which can be connected to the central processing unit. They are used to provide input, output and backing storage for the computer system.
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What is the definition of an output device?
A peripheral unit that translates signals from the computer into a human-readable form or into a form suitable for re-processing by the computer at a later stage.
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What is the definition of an input device?
A peripheral unit that can accept data, presented in the appropriate machine-readable form, decode it and transmit it as electrical pulses to the central processing unit.
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What is the definition of a storage device?
A peripheral unit that allows the user to store data in an electronic form for a longer period of time and when the computer is switched off.
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What is the definition of systems software?
Set of instructions or programs that make the hardware of the computer available for use.
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What is the definition of applications software?
A program which does something useful for the user.
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Name some examples of input devices
Mouse, keyboard, microphone, scanner, camera
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Name some examples of output devices
Monitor, printer, speakers
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Name some examples of storage devices
USB, Hard drive, SD card, Floppy disk, Blu Ray
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What is the purpose of an input device?
So that the computer can be told what to do and the data to be used.
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What is the purpose of an output device?
So that the computer can tell us what it has done or it can control a device to do something useful.
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What is the purpose of a storage device?
So that the computer can rememer what it is meant to do when it is switched back on after having been turned off, otherwise by the time you try to give it a second instruction it will have forgotten the first.
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What does systems software allow to work?
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What is an operating system?
A program or suite of programs that controls the entire operation of the computer.
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Name 4 examples of jobs the OS performs
Manages components which make up computer, provides user interface, manages errors, and ensures efficiency of CPU.
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What are library programs?
They are a collection of programs, each one does a specific job, and they are available to the user to use in their own programs.
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What is a translator?
A program that converts source code (code written by programmers) into machine code (this is the only format of code which a computer can read)
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What is a utility program?
A systems program designed to perform a specific, commonplace task, and it comes as part of the OS.
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Name 3 examples of utility programs.
Text editor, disk formatter, disk defragmenter
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Name 3 examples of applications software.
Word processor, spreadsheet, database application
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What are the 2 types of applications software?
Generic software and integrated software
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What is generic software? (include an example)
Software that can be used in a range of circumstances, e.g. Excel.
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What is integrated software? (include an example)
It contains a number of separate apps (e.g. word processor, spreadsheet, database), data from one app can easily be imported into another, and the apps share a common interface
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the definition of software?
Programs, routines and procedures (together with their associated documentation) which can be run on a computer system.
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