Conditions for Life on Earth 0.0 / 5 ? Environmental Science/StudiesLiving EnvironmentA2/A-levelAQA Created by: JCodlinCreated on: 13-11-20 14:55 The Earth was formed _____ 4.6 billion years ago 1 of 7 The _____ of the Earth was great enough to prevent most gases escaping such as Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. Mass 2 of 7 Liquid important in transport and temperature regulation Water 3 of 7 An orbit angle of movement around the sun which causes seasonal variations. Axis of Rotation 4 of 7 The temperature of the Earth's surface increases when this decreases. Speed of Rotation 5 of 7 Molten layers beneath the crust produce this. It helps to deflect the solar wind and prevents damaging radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Magnetic Field 6 of 7 Atmospheric Conditions before life. Toxic Ammonia 7 of 7
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