Conditions that Prompt Trade: Push Factors for International Trade 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesGlobal Markets & Business Expansion 4.2A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: BKaurCreated on: 04-12-18 13:28 Adverse conditions in the firms existing markets that cause them to spread out across the world push factors 1 of 7 Force businesses to seek ________ markets to sell their products overseas 2 of 7 Firms will try to overcome this in their own market weaknesses 3 of 7 Often due to a lack of ______ in the market demand 4 of 7 Also due to the __________ in the current market leading to costs being too high conditions 5 of 7 A market where most of the customers who would buy a product already have it, meaning there is limited opportunity for growth in sales saturated market 6 of 7 Important push factors: Saturated markets & ___________ competition 7 of 7
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