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- Created by: EleanorRaitt
- Created on: 18-05-17 19:45
What is conflict?
State of opposition between two or more groups
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Why do conflicts occur?
Ideology, Resources, Culture, Ethnicity, Identity
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What is ideology?
A system act/concept regarding human life or culture. Results in a set of intergrated assertions, theories and aims. Some ideologies can be extreme
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What is resources?
Territory is the belonging to or under jurisdiction of a governmental authority. The territory may be an administrative subdivision of a country or area dependent on an external governement
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What is Culture?
Customary beliefs, social norms and traits of a racial, religious or social group and the set shared practices and values inherited proudly
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What is ethnicity?
Is a group of people according to their ethnic orignis or characteristics, racial make-up of a population
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What is identity?
Sense of belonging to group/area. National- loyalty to a nation with cultural interests promoted. Regional=Loylaty to nation with population which share similarities. Local=Affection for a place
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What is nimyism?
Not in my backyard
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What are the patterns of conflict?
International, National, Regional, Local
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What are the expressions of conflict?
Non-violent,Political activity, war , Insurrection and terrorism
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What is non-violent expression of conflict?
Doesn't involve force or armed struggle. Statements of discontent are made by word,sign, marching, silence
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What is an example of non-violent expression of conflict?
Gahndi opposed Bristish rule in India. Took the religious principles do not harm and turnmed it into a non-violent political tool
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What is political activity?
Groups operationg within a counrty who seek to aquire and exert political power through government. Often involves debate
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What is an example of political activity?
house of Commons in Parlimanet, votes are taken on certain subjects
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What is war?
War is a state of open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations
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What is an example of war?
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What is insurrection?
An act or instance or revolt against civil authority or an establishment. Usually involving rebellion against the rules of that governement
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What is an example of insurrection?
United States fought Engalnd for independence as the aimed to overthrow the English government
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What is Terrorism?
Systematic use of fear among the public as a away of trying to force the authorities into action for a political ideology
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What is an example of terrorism?
9.11. Bin Laden responsible for suicide bombings and plane crash into twin towers as part of a terrorist group called Al Quieda
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What is conflict resolution?
Is the means by which conflict at a variety of scales can be brought to an end
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What are the resoltion techniques?
Negotiation, Diplomacy, Mediation, Planning Laws
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What is negotiation?
Discussing issues with the aim of agreement, the can be formal and informal
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What is diplomacy?
Is negotiation betwwen countries, most countries have a diplomatic service to maintain international relations (alliaces form)
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What is Mediation?
Involves groups at conflict meeting with a mediator (an independent third party). They aim to make sure groups listen to and understand each other. They try find ways of reaching agreements
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What is planning laws?
Proposed devlopments ofetn cause conflict over available spcae and local resources. When a devlopment is propsed, planning officers first make sure that the devlopment sticks to planning laws
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why do conflicts occur?
Ideology, Resources, Culture, Ethnicity, Identity
Card 3
What is ideology?

Card 4
What is resources?

Card 5
What is Culture?

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