
What is multiculturalism?
Contains people from different ethnic, racial, religious, cultural groups co-existing in harmony in the same society
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What are the advantages of multiculturalism?
Individuals are embraced, people acknowledge different cultures
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What are the sources of evidence that a multiculturalism society exists?
census data, immigration data, map of churches and temples, school data, unmeplyment record
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What is ethnic segregation?
Is the clustering together of people with similar ethnic or cultural characteristics into separate residential areas
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Who arrived in C19?
Jewish arrivals from Russia/Poland escaping persecution. Irish escaping from poverty in rural Ireland
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Jews and poles escaping fascism in WW2
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Carribean workers invited to rebui;d post war Britain
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Asians from Inidia, Pakistan andBangladesh escaping povery and seeking work in public services and textile industry
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East African mainly Uganda escaping persecution and Vietnamese escaping war
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Late 1970's-80's?
New arrival fell, most were wives and children of earlier migrants
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Eastern Europen refugees escaping war and political unrest in Romania and former yugoslavia
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Growth in asylum seekers application 45,000 Africans, 22,000 Indians, 12,000 Americans
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2000's ?
Economic migration from Eastern European countries caused by the enlargement of the EU
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Eu expansion, unrestricted migration from Europe
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What are the issues of a multicultural society?
Racial, thnic and religious tensions, Education issues, Economic issues, Language issues, Housing issues, Health care, immigration, crime, Events
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What is separatism?
The practice of separatism of a certain group of people from a large body on the basis of ethnicty, religion or gender
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What are the reasons for separatism?
Ethnicity, wealth, relgion, resources, politics
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What is the nature of separatism?
When the people of a region feel alienated from central government thye often seek to gain more political control, different languages, culture or religion, feel they do not receive adequate support from the government
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the advantages of multiculturalism?


Individuals are embraced, people acknowledge different cultures

Card 3


What are the sources of evidence that a multiculturalism society exists?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is ethnic segregation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who arrived in C19?


Preview of the front of card 5
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