Conflict flashcards

  • Created by: 08rmorris
  • Created on: 14-06-15 11:20
How are conflicts over a local resource resolved in the UK, in general?
Market processes and planning processes
1 of 20
Why was there a conflict at Knock Rushen on the Isle of Man?
Development near a beauty spot
2 of 20
Why were people in favour of the development at Knock RUshen?
Growth of Castletown was restricted in other directions due to the coast and airport
3 of 20
What is ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuma)?
A national political organisation. Set up in 1959 and n the 1960s it declared war n the Spanish
4 of 20
How many killings have been attributed to the ETA?
5 of 20
What is Kale Borroka?
Youth Groups related to ETA
6 of 20
What is the international property line?
7 of 20
In 2010 what percentage of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa lived on less than $1.25 a day?
48%. Worldwide it is around 1.4 billion people. Nearly 15% of the world's population suffer from hunger, with 30% if the population undernourished.
8 of 20
In 2013 what percentage of children died in Sub-Saharan Africa before their first birthday?
8%. A pregnant woman in Sub-Saharan Africa runs a 10% risk of dying in child birth.
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How much did the global poverty rate gall between 1981 and 2005?
10 of 20
Approximately how many migrants live in London?
1.8 million. London has the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities. 2 London boroughs have a majority of people of Black or Asian origin
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What was the proportion of the population from ethnic minorities in England and Wales in 2001?
7.9%. This rose from 6% in 1991. The distribution is very uneven, with ethnic minorities concentrated in major urban areas.
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What proportion of Leicester's population is Indian?
25%. This is the case even though Indians make up just 2% of the total population in the UK.
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In 2014 what was the 2nd most common language spoken in Lewisham?
14 of 20
What is the estimated cumulative fatalities in Iraq since 2003?
100,000 - 1,000,000.
15 of 20
What are causes of conflict?
Identity: giving people a sense of belonging to a particular group of geographical area, Territory causes conflict when there is a dispute about who has authority over a particular area. Ideology different ways of running things, one feels its unjust
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'Loyalty and devotion to a nation' is the definition of what?
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By late 1999 what percentage of the economic infrastructure was destroyed by Indonesian troops in East Timor?
70%. Some 26,000 people fled westward.
18 of 20
The 15 major gangs in East Timor claim how many members?
90,000. Almost 1/10th of the population
19 of 20
How many Timorese were killed during the Indonesians occupation of the country?
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why was there a conflict at Knock Rushen on the Isle of Man?


Development near a beauty spot

Card 3


Why were people in favour of the development at Knock RUshen?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuma)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many killings have been attributed to the ETA?


Preview of the front of card 5
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