conflict over local resource-heathrow 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyCase studiesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Gabi ChaseCreated on: 13-04-14 09:06 when was the debate initiated? 1982 1 of 31 how long did it take? 8 years 2 of 31 how much did it cost? £80million 3 of 31 how many documents? 80,000 4 of 31 what hectre was the construction? 260-hectre 5 of 31 who were forthcoming with the plans? BAA-British Airports Authority 6 of 31 where was T5 supposed to be built? redundant sewage works 7 of 31 how much profit have they earned from this terminal? £50 million 8 of 31 who else was another interest group? british airways 9 of 31 what % passing through heathrow are business? 38% 10 of 31 what % increase of passangers was there to heathrow in 2013 70% - 80million 11 of 31 which business routes rely on heathrow? business routes from heathrow to bangalore 12 of 31 what was the profit success of T5? £1.5billion 13 of 31 who is the interest group on a wider level? government who has a vested interest in reputation and money 14 of 31 how much does tourism supply britain with a year? £10 billion a year to the local economy 15 of 31 how much less would prenium high-spenders spend without T5? 10 million fewer nights in britain 16 of 31 who does heathrow need to compete with? super-airports such as Frankfurt 17 of 31 why hasnt the gov been satisfied? recent interim report Jan 2014 shows despite extension, it isnt competing to adequate level 18 of 31 what did boris johnson propose? heathrow at capacity and wanted to extend to 3rd runway or lengthen existing one 19 of 31 who was opposed? local residents 20 of 31 what do they fear? negative cumilitative causation 21 of 31 what angered them increase in freight on the roads 22 of 31 what did BAA propose to do to alleviate this issue? add a new spur road off the M25 to ease the traffic 23 of 31 what noise limit was there? 1994 noise limit 24 of 31 how many new jobs? 16500 25 of 31 which environmental agencies opposed? HACAN and FoE 26 of 31 what did their enquiry conclude? built on green belt land, and the site was an 'inappropiate development' 27 of 31 what % of emissions is aviation responsible for? 6-13% 28 of 31 what year is britain likely to exceed the EU carbon allowance? 2050 29 of 31 what measures did BAA take? light responsive lighting, 50,000 new shrubs and recycled water 30 of 31 what was destoryed? a cherished tithebarn 31 of 31
List of case studies for; Tectonic plates, Weather and climate, Development and globalisation and Conflict. 0.0 / 5
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