Conformity: Types and explanations

  • Created by: hollyls
  • Created on: 01-03-18 15:02

1. What does Internalisation mean?

  • A private and public acceptance of group norms.
  • A private and public rejection of group norms.
  • A public acceptance of group norms but not privately.
  • A private acceptance of group norms but not publicly.
1 of 12

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2. Who creates a two-process theory based on two central human needs?

  • Baumrind -1975
  • Deutsch and Gerard -1955
  • Haslam -1945
  • Bickman -1965

3. What is Identification?

  • When we change behaviour to be part of a group we identify with.
  • When we choose to publicly agree with the norms but privately disagree.
  • When we accept the norms and behave accordingly.
  • When we publicly disagree with the norms but privately agree.

4. Why does ISI occur?

  • Assuming others know better than us.
  • Assuming you need to be 'ideal' to succeed.
  • Assuming you are not important.
  • Assuming responsibilities given are bad.

5. What is ISI?

  • Irresponsible social influence: Conforming to reject responsibility.
  • Informational social influence: Conforming to be right/have the correct information.
  • Important social influence: Conforming to be the most important.
  • Idealistic social influence: Conforming to be what you believe is the ideal.


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