congressional elections

  • Created by: hermione
  • Created on: 26-12-16 14:23
How often are elections to the house and senate held?
every 2 years
1 of 7
What trends are discernible in congressional elections?
Coattails effect, split ticket voting, strong support for incumbents, fewer competitive races in House elections
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what is the coattails effect?
the tendency for a political party leader to attract votes for candidates of the same party.
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what is split ticket voting?
the practise of voting for candidates of two or more parties for different offices at the same election
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what is incumbency and why is it so strong?
incumbency is being re elected - because of pork barrel politics
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what factors determine voting behaviour in congressional elections?
race, gender, wealth, partisanship, class, education
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why are there so few competitive seats in the house?
incumbency - little chance of winning
7 of 7

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Card 2


What trends are discernible in congressional elections?


Coattails effect, split ticket voting, strong support for incumbents, fewer competitive races in House elections

Card 3


what is the coattails effect?


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Card 4


what is split ticket voting?


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Card 5


what is incumbency and why is it so strong?


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