Conjugal Roles 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? SociologyFamilies and householdsASWJEC Created by: ellenwest99Created on: 04-05-16 17:32 According to Top Sante Magazine, what do 9/10 women still do in the household? Most household chores 1 of 20 What does WIllmott & Young (1973) talk about and what does this mean? Symmetrical families, meaning a sense of balance between the duties of the male and female in the home 2 of 20 What do 7/10 women of working age have and what do 1/2 of mothers with a child under 5 do? Have jobs and are in work 3 of 20 According to Equal Opportunities Commission, what do 36% of couples say? That the male is the main caregiver 4 of 20 With women working more unsociable hours, what are men required to do? Care for their children 5 of 20 What factors are lessening the burden of domestic tasks for women? Online delivery, Technology such as microwaves, Dining out & take-away food, 6 of 20 What did Kultrane & Ishii-Kuntz (1992) find cause husbands to do more housework? Delayed childbirth 7 of 20 What could this be linked to? Women who have careers often delay having children 8 of 20 What di studies on cohabitating couples show? They are more equal than married couples 9 of 20 What did Brayfield (1992) find in dual career families? Women had major responsibility over domestic tasks 10 of 20 What did Rapoport & Rapoport (1970) find about career women? They were still viewed by their partners and children as just "wives & mothers" 11 of 20 What did Ann Oakley say about families? "Just because couples do things jointly, it doesn't mean they do things equally" 12 of 20 What did David Morley (1992) say? "women see their home as a place of work, men a place of leisure" 13 of 20 What did Arlie Hochschild find about full-time working mothers? They spent 3 hours a day doing housework whilst their husbands spent the equivalent of 17 minutes 14 of 20 What did Mansfield & Collard (1989) find when they studied new;y-weds? Limited evidence of symmetry amongst younger couples 15 of 20 What did Anthony Giddens (1992) say about women? Women are increasingly seeking a 'haven in a heartless world through greater emotional & sexual openness 16 of 20 What did Mansfield & Collard (1989) find about newly married wives? They are deeply disappointed with the lack of emotional reciprocity in their marriages 17 of 20 What did Mckee & Bell (1984) find about unemployed men? They did even less domestic work than when they were in work 18 of 20 What did Lydia Morris (1985) find from her sample? Roles were subject to 'renegotiation' following male unemployment 19 of 20 What did Stephen Edgell (1980) see decision-making as? Unequal, with men making important decisions 20 of 20
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