Consciousness Chapter 6 of Mind and Behaviour 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? OtherOtherAll boards Created by: Alana WhitlockCreated on: 20-05-12 12:46 What is selective attention? Options 1 and 3 1 of 11 Out of the three levels of consciousness proposed by Freud, which level contains events that can be recalled under certain conditions? Preconscious Mind 2 of 11 Who investigated psychoanalytic theory by using subliminal messages and measuring performance? Silverman 3 of 11 What is prosopagnasia? The ability to recognize objects but not faces 4 of 11 What word describes an exposure to a stimulus influencing how you subsequently respond to that same or another stimulus? Priming 5 of 11 What is/are circadian rhythms? Daily biological cycles 6 of 11 How long is a cycle of sleep? 90 mins 7 of 11 What stage do delta waves first appear? Stage 3 8 of 11 Extreme daytime sleepiness and sudden, uncontrollable sleep is called...? Narcolepsy 9 of 11 Sleepwalking usually occurs during which stage/s? Stage 3 or 4 10 of 11 An apnea is? A period of 10 seconds or more when a person stops breathing 11 of 11
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