Consequences of WWI

  • Created by: roshodi
  • Created on: 17-02-24 11:08
who were allies in WWI?
Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the USA
1 of 10
What happened to Germany's debt?
It increased
2 of 10
What happened in Stuttgart?
Workers went on strike
3 of 10
How did the soldiers solve the riots?
They didn't, they refused to control the people who were rioting in the streets
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Whats the SPD?
Social Democrat Party
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What did the SPD have to do?
they had to establish a new republic
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What did Max Von Baden do and who was he?
Max Von Baden was Kaiser's chancellor and he made Fredrich ebert chancellor
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What agreement was made with Wilhelm?
that he would make sure that the army worked with the government to prevent the communists from taking power.
8 of 10
10th nov 1918
ebert suspended old reichstag + made the council of peoples representatives
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11th nov 1918
Matthias signed armistice - to end the war
10 of 10

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Card 2


What happened to Germany's debt?


It increased

Card 3


What happened in Stuttgart?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did the soldiers solve the riots?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Whats the SPD?


Preview of the front of card 5
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