carrying out active management to maintain the biodiversity in the natural environment
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marine conservation zone
areas protected as they are important to conserve the biodiversity of nationally rare, threatened and representative habitats in the sea
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wildlife reserve
designated areas of wildlife set aside for the conservation of species or habitats
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national park
15 areas of protected countryside in the UK covering many of the most beautiful and valued landscapes
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the country's best valued wildlife and geographical sites that have been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest
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local nature reserve
smaller sites of protected countryside, sometimes including habitat and species preservation too
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ex situ conservation
conserving an endangered species by activities that take place outside its normal habitat
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seed bank
a collection of seed samples e.g. Millennium Seed Bank, seeds are stored in dry, freezing conditions in order to preserve them for as long as possible
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botanical garden
a collection of plants altogether in one place, like a zoo is to animals. Seeds can be collected from the wild and plants propagated quickly
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a collection of animals. Most now have an important role in conservation e.g. captive breeding programmes and research into endangered species
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an international agreement to regulate the trade of wildlife. Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna and Flora, includes live specimens and their products
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The Convention of Biological Diversity is an agreement signed at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 to conserve biological diversity. It takes into account peoples needs and sustainable development
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The Countryside Stewardship Scheme set up in 1991, aimed to conserve the English landscape by primarily funding farmers to manage and maintain the countryside. Now replaced by the Environmental Stewardship Scheme
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
areas protected as they are important to conserve the biodiversity of nationally rare, threatened and representative habitats in the sea
marine conservation zone
Card 3
designated areas of wildlife set aside for the conservation of species or habitats
Card 4
15 areas of protected countryside in the UK covering many of the most beautiful and valued landscapes
Card 5
the country's best valued wildlife and geographical sites that have been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest
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