A community of species that does not develop to a natural climax, but is maintained by external influences including human activities such as burning, grazing or ploughing.
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Tourism intended to have a low environmental impact, ususally involving seeing wildlife.
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Non-governmental organisations.
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Natural England
The UK governmental organisation with responsibility for the conservation of wildlife and the landscape.
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Local nature reserves.
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National parks and access to the countryside act.
The UK law enabled the establishment of national parks, areas of outstanding national beauty and many public rights of way.
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Natura 2000
A network of protected sites in the EU that combine the SPA's and SCA's set up under the birds and habitats directives.
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Species recovery programme
UK programme to help to increase the numbers of some endangered species.
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Department for environment food and rural affairs
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A measure of the variety and abundance of wildlife species.
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Biodiversity action plan
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Convention on biological diversity `1992
International conference held in Brazil, often called the Rio summit.
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Foresty commision
The UK governmental forestry organisation, which manages research, commercial timber production, learning and leisure.
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World wide fund for nature is an environmental campaigning and pressure group.
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National trust
A UK charity that conserves historic buildings and important landscapes and habitats.
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Friends of the earth is an environmental pressure group.
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An environmental pressure group.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Tourism intended to have a low environmental impact, ususally involving seeing wildlife.
Card 3
Non-governmental organisations.
Card 4
The UK governmental organisation with responsibility for the conservation of wildlife and the landscape.
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