Conservatism- ideas 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsConservatismA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: amelia_dowseCreated on: 21-01-19 12:39 Pragmatism thinkers Edmund Burke (traditional, 1729-97), Michael Oakeshott (1901-90). 1 of 20 What is pragmatism Rejects theory and ideology in favour of political practice, leads to stability and cohesion. 2 of 20 Pragmatic approach to society Should be flexible, with decisions made on the basis of what works. 3 of 20 Oakeshott -pragmatism 'to be a Conservative is to prefer the tried to the untried' 4 of 20 Strands linked to prgamatism Traditional and one-nation conservatism. 5 of 20 Edmund Burke -pragmatism Traditional- facilitates 'natural' change, because a state 'without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation'. 6 of 20 Traditional view on pragmatism Only pragmatic policy can preserve key features of society, e.g: order, property, tradition. 7 of 20 Weakened view of tradition (religious roots) Enlightenment thinking from 18th century and innovations. 8 of 20 Tradition thinkers Edmund Burke and G.K Chesterton 9 of 20 Edmund Burke and G.K Chesterton ideas Past practices and customs have value as have proved 'fit for purpose', e.g. monachy promotes unity and national pride: 2011 royal wedding. 10 of 20 Human Imperfection Pessimistic view of human nature, flawed: psychologically, morally and intellectually. 11 of 20 Organic society or state True freedom- willing acceptance of the value of social obligation and ties. 12 of 20 Atomism Society of self-interested and self-sufficient individuals, also increasingly social breakdown. 13 of 20 Paternalism -thinkers Burke and Disraeli 14 of 20 Disraeli (1804-81) Coningsby and Sybil- warned of two nations: rich and poor 15 of 20 Supported by (paternalism) 'middle way' -Macmillan "private enterprise without selfishness". 16 of 20 Opposed by (paternalism) Neo-liberals with free-market economics and individualism. 17 of 20 Libertarianism Primary role of state is to protect individuals rights. 18 of 20 Libertarianism ideas and thinkers Adam Smith- economic liberalism; Burke free-trade. 19 of 20 Modern form of libertarianism New Right- Thatcher and Reagan, opposing Keynesian management and welfare programmes. 20 of 20
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