Conservatism Core Themes flashcards 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsConservatismA2/A-levelAQA Created by: powrieannieCreated on: 17-05-16 13:01 What are the 5 core themes of Conservatism? Hierarchy and Authority, Organic Society, Tradition, Property, Human Imperfection 1 of 13 What functions does property provide for the individual? Provides security, promotes respect for society, is an extension of personality 2 of 13 What are human beings inherently like? Morally corrupt, imperfect, security seeking, psychologically limited 3 of 13 What is the function of crime and punishment? To be strict on crime which is rooted in the behaviour of the individual 4 of 13 What does tradition reflect to conservatives? The accumulated wisdom of the past 5 of 13 What did Burke believe about tradition? Society is a partnership between "those who are living, those who are dead and those who are to be born" 6 of 13 What is natural law? Rights or values inherent by virtue of human nature 7 of 13 What do conservatives say about hierarchy? That society is naturally divided 8 of 13 What is noblesse oblige? the idea that privilege entails responsibility to care for the less privileged 9 of 13 What is paternalism? Authority being exercised over others with the intent of preventing harm or conferring benefit 10 of 13 What do they say about authority? It is necessary and thus does not require consent 11 of 13 What is the organic society? Society is an organism or living entity where institutions work together in order to maintain social stability and prevent anomie 12 of 13 What is anomie? A sense of normlessness that creates feelings of isolation and disassociation from the mainstream 13 of 13
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