Context of Morse on the Case

  • Created by: mhayter
  • Created on: 29-10-16 15:35
What TV show does this piece come from? When was it around?
NAM 46 is taken from an episode of Inspector Morse, a series of television detective mysteries first broadcast between 1987 and 2000
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Who wrote the title and incidental music?
Title and incidental music was written by Pheloung. Large amount of material was needed over the course of 33 two-hour episodes
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Diegetic music needed to be included (the classical CDs and operas the detective plays and sees). How does Pheloung distinguish his music from it?
To avoid detracting from this music and to distinguish the diegetic extracts from his own underscore, Pheloung adopts an unintrusive style based on slow-moving lines, thin textures and single notes to reflect Morse's complex intellectual reasoning
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How is this piece of music postmodernist TV music?
In NAM 46, Pheloung uses the understated textures and ambient sounds characteristic of much Postmodernist music and avoids the cliches of film music
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How is this music different from minimalist music?
Unlike the short, repetitive ideas of Minimalism he avoids obvious rhythmic and melodic patterns
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What elements of music does Pheloung focus on?
He focuses on texture and timbre
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What is particularly interesting about the rhythm and metre?
No obvious sense of pulse, despite the 4/4 metre
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How is the meditative, sensory mood enhanced?
Meditative, sensory mood is enhanced by quiet dynamics and long, sustained notes that change in unexpected parts of the bar
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Card 2


Title and incidental music was written by Pheloung. Large amount of material was needed over the course of 33 two-hour episodes


Who wrote the title and incidental music?

Card 3


To avoid detracting from this music and to distinguish the diegetic extracts from his own underscore, Pheloung adopts an unintrusive style based on slow-moving lines, thin textures and single notes to reflect Morse's complex intellectual reasoning


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Card 4


In NAM 46, Pheloung uses the understated textures and ambient sounds characteristic of much Postmodernist music and avoids the cliches of film music


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Card 5


Unlike the short, repetitive ideas of Minimalism he avoids obvious rhythmic and melodic patterns


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