Water leaves the body via the lungs when we breathe out and through the skin when we sweat to cool us down, excess water is lost via the kidneys in the urine.
1 of 5
How are hormones transported to their target organs?
Hormones are transported to their target organs by the blood stream.
2 of 5
What are women given so that their eggs do not mature?
They are giving oral contraceptives that contain hormones.
3 of 5
What do oral contraceptives contain to inhibit egg maturation?
Oestrogen and Progesterone
4 of 5
Do progesterone pills lead to fewer side effects?
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How are hormones transported to their target organs?
Hormones are transported to their target organs by the blood stream.
Card 3
What are women given so that their eggs do not mature?
Card 4
What do oral contraceptives contain to inhibit egg maturation?
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