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Card 6
Rats chose to free a distressed caged rat before obtaining a reward of _________. Suggests that rats are able to experience _______ and value other rats over rewards.
Card 7
E: Due to this, Regan takes the ________ view. This is that the cost to animals can never be justified in terms of human benefit, animals have the same ______ as humans and so their life should be ______ in the same way.
Card 8
P: Being speciest doesn't cause ethical issues
E: ____ argues we have a special duty of care to further the welfare of our own species. It would be unethical not to do research on animals if it could be of any _______ to humans.
E: ____ argues we have a special duty of care to further the welfare of our own species. It would be unethical not to do research on animals if it could be of any _______ to humans.
Card 9
E: Conducting research on animals doesn't require the __________ process as our own species is more highly valued. Speciesism isn't equivalent to ________ or ________ so it's not a problem.
Card 10
Comparitive/ethological psychology
P: Comparitive psychology, the study of non-human animals in controlled conditions, causes ethical issues
E: ______'s monkeys
P: Comparitive psychology, the study of non-human animals in controlled conditions, causes ethical issues
E: ______'s monkeys
Card 11
the ____ mother had a bottle attached for providing food, the ____ mother provided comfort and security. When frightened, the infant monkeys clung to their ____ mother.
Card 12
Disputes Freud's theories suggesting _____ is everything to infants, instead suggests that infant attachments are based on _______ and _______.
E: Unnatural conditions caused monkeys distress and _________ harm, comparitive is unethical
E: Unnatural conditions caused monkeys distress and _________ harm, comparitive is unethical
Card 13
P: Ethological research, research on animals in their natural environment, is more ethical
E: _______ left some goose eggs to be hatched by mother goose, he also hatched some in an incubator.
E: _______ left some goose eggs to be hatched by mother goose, he also hatched some in an incubator.
Card 14
He found that the baby goslings _________ to him or mother goose. Even when he put them all under a box and lifted it, they __________ to either of them. If the infants didn't imprint within __-__ hours of hatching, they would fail to form attachment and
Card 15
Similar to Bowlby's claim that a lack of ___________ in early life has long-term consequences for child development
E: Ethological is ethical because it studies animals in a way which doesn't affect their __________.
E: Ethological is ethical because it studies animals in a way which doesn't affect their __________.