Controversy A: European GPs Late 19th C 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe rise of Germany 1871 – 1945A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: LiamTReidyCreated on: 31-05-16 09:02 Least consequential of the GPs? Austria + Italy 1 of 31 France 1870-71 (Event) Defeats by Prussia - Lose Alsace and Lorraine 2 of 31 France 1871 - Objective Find a heavyweight ally 3 of 31 German Chancellor 1871-90 Otto Von Bismarck 4 of 31 Link between his foreign and domestic policy Maintain peace / stability in Europe to concentrate on nation building 5 of 31 Germany threatened by? France 6 of 31 Solution to this: Isolate France; acquire relations with Russia and Austria 7 of 31 Nature of German foreign policy Low key + Risk Averse 8 of 31 German foreign policy after 1890: BELLIGERENT BELLIGERENT contentious + aggressive 9 of 31 Describe Austria: Declining multinational state 10 of 31 What threats did it face? Demands for indépendance of the nationalities within it 11 of 31 Foreign policy? Self-preservation + Retain GP status 12 of 31 Most pressing problem: (date) Acquisition of B-H in 1878 13 of 31 Why was this a problem? State contained large number of Serbs. 14 of 31 Location of Serbia: East of B-H 15 of 31 Serbian foreign policy Unify Serbia into a super state 16 of 31 To achieve this they backed Separatist movements 17 of 31 What sort of GP was Russia in late 19th C? Expansionist Power 18 of 31 Where did it look to expand? Far East and S.E Europe 19 of 31 What did Russia seek in E.Europe? Control of straits connecting the mediterranean to the Black Sea 20 of 31 How did Russia go about furthering its aims? Acted as a patron and protector of Serbia 21 of 31 How did Russia tie herself to Serbia? Religious + ethnic ties 22 of 31 Russia-Serbian relations = Difficult for Germany to be on good terms with Russia and Austria 23 of 31 Britain's concerns in 19th C? Fending off threats to colonial possessions. 24 of 31 Who threatened Britain at this point? France (Africa) + Russia (asia) 25 of 31 Britain's wider concern? No country should dominate Europe. 26 of 31 Why? Could invade Britain / close off trade 27 of 31 Italy's relationship with France? Hostile, saw France as a rival for Mediterranean influence 28 of 31 Italy's foreign policy? Sought colonies seeing them as a symbol of GP status. 29 of 31 Why did Italy move towards the Double Alliance? Hostility with France 30 of 31 When did the Triple Alliance form? 1882 31 of 31
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