State the size of the objects in the universe from smallest scale to largest scale
Moons-->Planets-->Stars-->Galaxies-->Visible universe-->???(we do not know yet)
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How do we collect data with probes?
Spacecrafts carrying probes can be sent to planets and moons in our solar system. Probes carry instruments that continuously record data such as temperature. Data is sent back using radio signals.
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How do we collect data with rovers/robots
Rovers can take photos and collect soil/rock samples on planets/moons/asteroids. Data is then sent back using radio signals and scientists must still interpret data. This can make it unreliable and people may make wrong decisions
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What do optical telescopes detect?
Visible light
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What do radio telescopes detect?
They detect cosmic microwave background radiation
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What do X-Ray telescopes detect?
High temperature events, for example, super novas
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How have bigger telescopes helped improve our understanding of the universe?
They have a better resolution. They can also collect more light to see faint stars and galaxies. Better magnification allows us to see further and discover new galaxies.
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How have we been able to see how galaxies form and evolve.
The hubble space telescope has taken images of different galaxies at different stages in their lifecycle
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What have computers allowed us to do?
Enhance telescope images to make them sharper and clearer. They can also hold huge amounts of data for more effective analysis
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What do scientists look for in planets?
They look for planets which have some similar properties to Earth and how close the planets are to stars etc.
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What does SETI stand for
search for extra-terrestrial intelligence
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What do we emit to try to get intelligent aliens to detect?
Radio, TV and RADAR into space
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What are we now looking for in terms of radio waves?
Narrow bands of radio wavelengths coming from space so we can find them. These could have come from a transmitter so we can detect life.
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What are we now looking to detect as we haven't found anything so far?
Laser signals
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How do we collect data with probes?
Spacecrafts carrying probes can be sent to planets and moons in our solar system. Probes carry instruments that continuously record data such as temperature. Data is sent back using radio signals.
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