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What is the domestic divison of labour?
refers to the roles that men and women play in their household
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Instrumental and Expressive roles
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Instrumental role
usually the husband, achieve success at work, breadwinner
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Expressive role
usually the wife, childcare and housework, housewife
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What does Parsons argue about these roles?
women and men naturally suit these roles and naturally take them, it is biological.
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Criticisms of Parsons roles
Young and Wllmott argue more men are taking a greater share of domestic tasks and more wives becoming wage earners. It also only benefits men
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Segregated and joint conjugal roles
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Segregated conjugal role
couple have seperate roles, male breadwinner and female homemaker. Leisure activities seperate.
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Joint conjugal role
couple share tasks and spend leisure time together.
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Young and Willmott
the symmetrical family
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symmetrical family
see family life as gradually improving for all members, long term change away from segregated conjugal roles and towards joint conjugal roles
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What social changes have occured that have led to a rise of the symmetrical family?
changes in womens position, geographical mobility, new technology, higher standards of living
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feminist view of housework
argue little has changed and men and women remain unequal
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what does Oakley argue about young and willmott's symmetrical family
young and willmott overexaggerate, men do some domestic tasks but only the more pleasureable sides such as playing with the children
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impact of paid work, march of progress view, feminist view, taking responsibility of children
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Impact of paid work
Oakley did study in 1970s most women were housewives, but more women are now going out to work
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March of progress view
argue women are going out to work and men are becoming more involved with housework and childcare
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The feminist view
women carry out a dual burden because they do housework at home and have to go out to work aswell. men still only did average 8 hrs of housework a week
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Taking responsibility of children
men may help with the children but it is the mothers who are responsbile for the children's security and well being.
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money management, decision making,
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money management
Pahl and Vogler, identify two types of of control over family income: the allowance system, pooling
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the allowance system
men give their wives an allowance which the wife has to budget for the family needs and the rest the husband keeps for himself.
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both partners have access to income and joint responsibility
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decision making
Pahl and Vogler found that even where there was pooling, the men usually still made the major financial decisions
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Hardill's study of 30 dual-career professional couples
found the important decisions were either taken by the man or jointly, the man's career usually took priority when it come to moving etc.
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Edgell's study of professional couples:Very important decisions
taken by the husband alone or jointly but with the husband having the final say
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Example of very important decisions
a change of job or moving house
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Edgell's study of professional couples: Important decisions
taken jointly or by the wife alone
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Example of important decisions
children's education or where to go on holiday
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Edgell's study of professional couples: less important decisions
usually made by wife
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example of less important decisions
choice of home decor or children's clothes
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cultural and material
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The cultural explanation
women perform more domestic labour because this is what society expects them to do and has socialised them to do
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The material explanation
women generally earn less than men so it is economically rational for women to do more housework and childcare
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What do feminists argue about decision making?
not based on earnings, men as decision makers is deeply ingrained in women and instilled through gender socialisation
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the meaning of money
need to undertsand the meaning of money to couples, polling may not necessarily mean equality such as if a men earns twice as much as the woman is it equality for them to have a joint account?
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incident or pattern of incidents of controlling or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between a pair that were/are intimate partners
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types of domestic abuse
psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional
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A common view of domestic violence is that it is the behaviour of a few disturbed individuals and the causes are psychological rather than social, name points that have challenged this view
domestic violence is far too widespread, domestic violence does not occur randomly (mostly happens to women)
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Sylvia Walby and Jonathan Allen
women were much more likely to be victims of multiple incidents of abuse and of sexual violence
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Donna Ansara and Michelle Hindin
women were much more likely than men to be fearful of their partners
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official statistics on domestic violence understate the true extent of the problem for two main reasons:
victims may be unwilling to report it to the police. Police may not investigate or prosecute the cases reported to them.
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Explanations of domestic violence
the radical feminist explanation, the materialist explanation
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The radical feminist explanation
emphasises the role of patriarchal ideas, cultural values and institutions.
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Evaluation of the radical feminist explanation
rejects the claim that men benefit from violence against women as not all men are violent and abusive
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The materialist explanation
worries over money and jobs may spill over into domestic conflict
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Evaluation of the materialist explantion
not all people struggling have difficult family relationships
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Instrumental and Expressive roles
Card 3
Instrumental role
Card 4
Expressive role
Card 5
What does Parsons argue about these roles?
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