Courts and Tribunals 0.0 / 5 ? LawPublic Law 1UniversityNone Created by: ShadaviaCreated on: 06-02-24 16:09 What is Criminal Law? The law which concerns an offence made by an individual against the State, and society 1 of 6 Who initiates Criminal Proceedings? The Prosecution, usually the Crown Prosecution Service 2 of 6 What is the term for the individual who committed the offence in Criminal Proceedings? The Defendant 3 of 6 What does 'standard of proof' mean? The amount of evidence needed to prove a case in order to succeed 4 of 6 What does 'burden of proof' mean? The responsibility of proving the case 5 of 6 In Criminal Proceedings, what is the standard of proof and who has the burden? Beyond reasonable doubt and the burden is on the Prosecution 6 of 6
EU Law - Courts which must refer to ECJ and Courts which may refer (Article 267 TFEU Procedure) 0.0 / 5
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