CPAP 0.0 / 5 ? NursingCPAPUniversityNone Created by: LauriannexnCreated on: 17-04-17 23:46 What is the minimum amount of hours that a CPAP/NIV should be kept in the first 24 hours? Minimum of 6 hours 1 of 15 What could CPAP potentially do to the arterial blood pressure? With any ventilation that increases the pressure in the lungs could decrease the arterial blood pressure 2 of 15 What are the 4 ways CPAP can be delivered? Nasal, face mask, hood and full face mask 3 of 15 What are the two common systems of 'wall' oxygen used? Wall oxygen and room air or wall oxygen and air supplies 4 of 15 What are the common peep valves used? 5, 7.5 and 10 cmH2o 5 of 15 What is a 'peep valve'? Keeps the pressure within the tubing and mask at a desires pressure level 6 of 15 What is functional residual capacity? The volume of gas left in the lungs at the end of a normal expiration 7 of 15 What does atelectasis do? It causes hypovolaemia by reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood flowing through the lungs 8 of 15 How much functional residual capacity is in our lungs? 2-3L 9 of 15 When would CPAP be used? Pulmonary oedema, sleep apnoea, thoracic trauma, post op patients 10 of 15 What is the significance of CPAP? It can be used to improve oxygenation, it can help open the alveoli and prevent it from collapsing and it could help with difficult breathing 11 of 15 What is the measurement used for CPAP cmH2o 12 of 15 What is CPAP? It keeps the pressure above atmospheric pressure during inspiration and expiration 13 of 15 What does CPAP stand for? Continous positive airway pressure 14 of 15 What is ipratropium? An anticholinergic drug that act on muscarinic cholinergic receptors. Prevents bronchoconstriction rather than relaxing 15 of 15
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