Crime & Deviance 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Priya BharadwajCreated on: 18-09-15 21:54 This sociologist did research on suicide in 1967 Douglas 1 of 7 Clarke looked a certain type of crime prevention Situational 2 of 7 Sociologists who claimed that police labels black youths before they commit a crime Bowling and Phillips 3 of 7 This sociologist looked and studied the 'Mad and Bad' Theory Smart 4 of 7 What did Reinar say in 2002 Canteen culture within police 5 of 7 Who talked about Deviance application? Cohen 6 of 7 Who said police decisions are based on appearance Piliavan and Briar 7 of 7
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