crime and deviance key terms and concepts part 2- 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: India JJCreated on: 08-05-18 17:05 What group draw attention deviant groups causing moral panics Moral entrepreneurs 1 of 10 Piliavin and Briar noted that WHAT cues affect arrests Physical 2 of 10 Why are police more likely to arrest a black male? Cuz they judge people using? Typifications 3 of 10 Cicourel noted that official crime statistics fail to include the WHAT figure of crime dark 4 of 10 Cohen noted that the Deviant Amplification Spiral exacerbates problems by causing WHAT deviance Secondary 5 of 10 What describes the process where crimes and criminals are stigmatised disintegrative shaming 6 of 10 Process whereby the act is shamed, not the offender reintegrative shaming 7 of 10 Reintegrative shaming stops repeat offending seen in what experiment is Australia Reintegrative shaming experiments 8 of 10 What theorists think crime is voluntaristic, often with a political motive like the 'Robin Hood' effect. Neomarxists 9 of 10 Term used for white collar crime committed by an employee against a company Occupational 10 of 10
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