Status frustration- working class turn to crime because they can't get what they want through legitimate means
Cohen (Functionalist)
1 of 9
Strain Theory. Strain between what people want and what they can achieve (American dream). There are adaptations to strain: conformity, retreatism, ritualism, innovation and rebellion
Merton (Functionalist)
2 of 9
Laws protect capitalism
Chambliss (Traditional Marxist)
3 of 9
Laws are created by the rich
Snider (Traditional Marxist)
4 of 9
Critical criminology- criminals have free will
Taylor (Neo-Marxist)
5 of 9
Rich people don't get assigned labels
Reiman (Marxist)
6 of 9
Crime is just a reaction to capitalism
Gordon (traditional Marxism)
7 of 9
There are 3 reponses to society: Criminal, conflict and retreatist
Cloward and Ohlin
8 of 9
Crime is just an inevitable boundary maintenance and adaptation to change
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Merton (Functionalist)
Strain Theory. Strain between what people want and what they can achieve (American dream). There are adaptations to strain: conformity, retreatism, ritualism, innovation and rebellion
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