Which ethnicities are over-represented in the system?
Black people, and to a lesser extent Asians, are over-represented in the system.
1 of 14
How can victim surveys be used to study ethnicity and crime?
Victim surveys gain information about ethnicity and offending by asking victims to identify the ethnicity of the person who committed the crime against them, they showed crimes were often intra-ethnic.
2 of 14
Give one criticism of using victim surveys.
Victim surveys rely on victims' memory of events.
3 of 14
How can self report studies be used to study ethnicity and crime?
Self report studies ask individuals to disclose their own dishonest and violent behaviour. The findings of these studies challenge the stereotype of black people as being more likely than whites to offend: black 43% white 44%
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What are ethnic differences in stop and searches?
Members of ethnic minority groups are more likely to be stopped and searched, black people are seven times more likely to be stopped, Asians often under the terrorism act.
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What three explanations are there for stop and search patterns?
According to 2006/7 figures, which ethnicity is more likely to be arrested?
The arrest rate for blacks was 3.6 times the rate for whites. Blacks and Asians were also less likely to recieve a caution.
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What have sociological studies suggested the Crown Prosecution Service is more likely to do?
Studies have suggested the CPS is more likely to drop cases against ethnic minorities, potentially as police present evidence to the CPS weaker because they stereotype ethnic minorities.
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What do statistics into conviction show about ethnicity and crime?
Statistics show blacks and Asians are actually less likely to be found guilty with 60% whites found guilty against 52% blacks and 44% Asians
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What do statistics show in regards to ethnicity and prison?
They show blacks five times more likely to be in prison that whites
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How do left-realists explain differences in offending?
They suggest ethnic differences in the statistics reflect real differences in the levels of offending by different ethnic groups. Left realists see crime as a product of relative deprivation, subculture and marginalisation. Therefore they argue that
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How do left-realists explain differences in offending? (2)
racism has led to marginalisation and economic exclusion of ethnic minorities, combined with the media's emphasis on consumerism, it is clear to see why ethnic minorities turn to crime.
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What is the Neo-Marxist theory 'the myth of black criminality'?
The myth of black criminality is a concept suggesting racist stereotypes of Africans and Asians present them as more criminal when in fact they are no more criminal than any other. Rather a product of police stereotyping and typifications.
13 of 14
What is racist victimisation?
Racist victimisation occurs when an individual is selected as a target because of their race, ethnicity or religion. This was brought into greater public focus after the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993.
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How can victim surveys be used to study ethnicity and crime?
Victim surveys gain information about ethnicity and offending by asking victims to identify the ethnicity of the person who committed the crime against them, they showed crimes were often intra-ethnic.
Card 3
Give one criticism of using victim surveys.
Card 4
How can self report studies be used to study ethnicity and crime?
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