Animal Rights 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesAnimal RightsGCSEAQA Created by: bethibbotsonCreated on: 26-04-16 14:50 Animal Experiments Testing on animals either for medical or cosmetic purposes, to ensure that the product is safe for use 1 of 11 Genetic Modification Plants and animals that have had their natural make up altered by scientists 2 of 11 Cloning The scientific method by which animals or plants can be created which have exactly the same genetic make up as the original 3 of 11 Responsibility Duty; The idea that we are in charge of our own actions 4 of 11 Hunting Removes pests, cruel, humans used to depend on it 5 of 11 Fur Trade The business of farming or hunting wild animals for their fur to be made into clothing 6 of 11 Ivory Trade The sale of ivory from elephants tusks, it is often illegal 7 of 11 Free-range Farming Farming that allows the animals to roam free and behave naturally 8 of 11 Factory Farming When animals are used for meat or diary products, but are kept indoors in very small spaces 9 of 11 Extinction When all members of a species have died out and that species will never exist on earth again 10 of 11 Zoos Protect animals but cage in animals 11 of 11
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