Strengthens collective values; Enables social change; Acts as a 'safety valve'; Acts as a warning device
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Strain Theory; Social order is based on consensus around social goals and how to achieve them; Most people share goals and conform to the approved way of achieving them.
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Status Frustration; Reactive Delinquent Subculture
Independent Subculture and Focal concerns; Risk of law breaking; Exaggerated in the lives of young people; Overconformity to the lower working class subculture rather than the rejection of dominant values.
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Criticisms of Functionalist
Taylor -Wrong to assume that there is value consensus; Subcultures only used to explain WC and not white collar crime; Use Official Statistics; Matza - Most WC youths don't engage regularly in crime; Matza-Delinquents are not different, share values
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Control theory- Social Bonds; Attachment, Belief, Commitment, Involvement
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Control Theory - Strengths
Recognise importance of socialisation and social control in maintaining a cohesive society; Assumes those who have committed crime have broken away from the bonds
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Control Theory - Limitations
Doesn't explain Weaker bonds; Doesn't explain the variety of forms of C+D; Doesn't recognise that it's possible to be deviant and have tight social bonds.
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Traditional Marxists
1. Capitalist society is criminogenic; 1. The law reflects the ruling class's ideology; 3. Selective law enforcement
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Neo- Marxist
People aren't forced to commit crime, they choose to. Gillroy (Black Crime); Taylor; Hall
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Criticisms of Marxists and Neo-Marxists
Over- Emphasis on Property Crime; Focuses on men; Too deterministic; Difficult to interpret; Pay little attention to victims of crime.
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Moral Entrepreneur
A person, or group or organisation with the power to create or enforce rules and impose their definitions of deviance
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Interactionist/ Labelling Theories
Many People involve themselves in some deviant or illegal behaviour so it is hard to make a distinction between deviants and non-deviants, therefore it attempts to find the cause to crime, which is pointless
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Acts only become deviant when it is labelled as deviant
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Selective Law Enforcement - Subjective perceptions and stereotypes can affect whether criminal labels are attached and how these lead to social construction of crime stats
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How others see us, affects how we act
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Primary Deviance leads to Secondary deviance through societal reaction; sensitisation and amplification
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'Malestream' Sociology
Heidensohn and Silvestri; 1. Amnesia; 2. Neglect and Distortion
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Strain Theory; Social order is based on consensus around social goals and how to achieve them; Most people share goals and conform to the approved way of achieving them.
Card 3
Status Frustration; Reactive Delinquent Subculture
Independent Subculture and Focal concerns; Risk of law breaking; Exaggerated in the lives of young people; Overconformity to the lower working class subculture rather than the rejection of dominant values.
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