Crime and Deviance Topic 2- Labelling Theory 3.0 / 5 based on 10 ratings ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: HannahCreated on: 15-12-10 11:21 Cicourel didn't find that... moral entrepreneurs are people who lead a moral crusade to change the law 1 of 6 Who are more likely to be labelled? Minority Ethnic Groups 2 of 6 What is the labelling theory derived from? Interactionism 3 of 6 What did Platt argue? Victorian moral entrepreneurs helped to esablish 'juveniles' as a seperate catagory of offender 4 of 6 Who said "A deviant is simply someone to whomb the label has been successfully applied, and deviant behaviour is simply behaviour that people label"? Becker 5 of 6 What is the methods link for Labelling Theory? Observation 6 of 6