Crime and Punishment ( Romans , Normans and Middle Ages)
- Created by: Celena
- Created on: 20-02-13 15:57
How did the Romans try and prevent crime ? (5)
Whipping , Execution , Burning at the stake , The Vigiles, If slaves murdered master than all other slaves were crucified, If a soldier ran away than one in ten men of the same legion was executed.
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What did the Romans regard as serious crimes? (5)
Slaves running away,Arson,Murder,Rebelling against the Emperor,Stealing livestock, robbing Temples and Patricide
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In what ways were criminals in the Roman era Punished ? (5)
Burning at the stake, Fighting in the arena, Execution , Noblemen were exiled, Whipping,Crucifixion,Repaying cost of stolen goods
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What were the main features of the Anglo-Saxon Law and Order ? (5)
Hue and Cry, Tithings,Blood Fued,Wergild,Execution,Trial by Ordeal, juries of locals, courts
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Briefly describe the different types of Trials? (5)
Trial by ordeal,hot iron,hot water, cold water,consecrated bread(priests only), jury and later by combat
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Explain why William I Changed some laws ? (7)
Improve Law and Order, Crime was seen to disturb the King`s Peace, he was religious and hence Trial by Combat was introduced, he loved hunting so forest laws were introduced to stop others hunting
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Why did William I change some Laws in 1066 ? (7)
Just conquered the country, didn`t want resistance,reassure saxons,he wanted to keep order through fear, he was religious so kept Trials, Crimes were seen to disturb the King`s peace, increase taxes meant he had more money.
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Why didn`t William I Change some laws? (7)
Avoid upsetting the Saxons because he needed the cooperation of Saxons,wanted to be seen as a true heir, he was religious so kept trial by ordeal
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What did the Juries do in the Middle Ages? (5)
Made up of people who knew the accused and accuser, They decided whether the accused was guilty, and they used their knowledge to decide.They swore and oath called compurgation when they announced their verdict.Ordeal was used if they couldn`t decide
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How were women treated by the law in the middle ages? (5)
Church enforced idea that they were inferior,she didn`t own property as it all belonged to her husband and she could not divorce hi. labelled a scold and punished with a ducking stool
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What is a ducking stool? (2)
This is a chair fastened to the end of a pole and can be used to plunge the offender into water as punishment
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Explain what the popular story of Robin hood tells us about attitudes towards crime and punishment?(7)
Unpopularity of Forest Laws- Robin hood broke those, Corrupt officials from which hood stole to give to the poor, resistance to the Norman rulers, Outlaws, there were romantic ideas about how they lived
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How did medieval kings extend royal justice?(7)
extended the Kings peace, travelling justices,county gaols(jail), there were JP`s, constables and coroners
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How was the system of Law and order MORE harsh at the end of the middle ages? (8)
The Wergild was replaced by death and mutilation,people could become outlaws if they refused to attend court, an increase in public executions
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How was the system of Law and order LESS harsh at the end of the middle ages? (8)
There was the benefit of clergy,stocks and fines used more often,trial by ordeal was dropped,women who were pregnant could not be hanged,rich could buy pardons and people could become approvers
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what were some of the changes to the system of law and order during the middle ages? (8)
trial by ordeal was abolished,forest laws,king`s law extended,royal courts were established,royal judges travelled around the country,JP`s introduced,wergilds abolished and benefit of clergy introduced
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what were some aspects within the system of law and order that stayed the same during the middle ages? (8)
No police force, hue and cry was still used,Tithings was still used,juries were still used
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How far is the story of robin hood useful in teaching us about medieval crime and punishment ?(8) Useful because .......
tells us about outlaws, over mighty and corrupt officials, people saw him as a hero and they hated corrupt officials , the popularity of the story shows a lot
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How far is the story of robin hood useful in teaching us about medieval crime and punishment ?(8) Not Useful because .......
Unrealistic story, too romantic,no proof he existed and outlaws weren`t actually like this
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Were people in the middle ages heavily reliant on God to decide whether one was guilty or not ? (8) Yes because......
There was trial by ordeal and combat
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Were people in the middle ages heavily reliant on God to decide whether one was guilty or not ? (8) No because......
There was trial by jury, blood fued , wergild and compurgators (people who swore oaths as part of their statements)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What did the Romans regard as serious crimes? (5)
Slaves running away,Arson,Murder,Rebelling against the Emperor,Stealing livestock, robbing Temples and Patricide
Card 3
In what ways were criminals in the Roman era Punished ? (5)
Card 4
What were the main features of the Anglo-Saxon Law and Order ? (5)
Card 5
Briefly describe the different types of Trials? (5)
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