crime&deviance - green crime

  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 01-03-19 09:16
what is green crime?
crime against the environment
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what is green crime linked to?
globalisation and interconnectedness of societies
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what is green crime a threat to?
its a threat to the eco- system
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what is a 'global risk society'?
threats to the eco-system are now human made rather than natural
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what does Beck argue?
in late modern societies we can provide adequate resources for all developed countries
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what has increased manufactured risks?
an increase of productivity and technology
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what are the risks of green crime?
global warming, therefore the risks are global rather than local
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what are the two types of crime?
primary and secondary
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what is primary green crime?
crimes that result directly from the destruction and degradation of earths resources
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what is secondary green crime?
crime that results from disobeying the rules aimed at preventing or regulating environmental disasters
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what is an example of primary green crime?
crimes of air pollution and deforestation
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what is an example of secondary green crime?
state violence against op positional groups and hazardous waste
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what are the two views of environmental harm?
anthropocentric and ecocentric
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what is anthropocentric?
where humans have a right to dominate nature for their own ends and put economic growth before the environment
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what is ecocentric?
sees both humans and environment liable to exploitation, particularly global capitalism
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evaluation- what is a positive to green crime?
it recognises the importance of environmental issues and the need to address the harms and risks of environmental damage
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evaluation - what is a negative to green crime?
it is hard to define the boundaries of its field
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is green crime linked to?


globalisation and interconnectedness of societies

Card 3


what is green crime a threat to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a 'global risk society'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does Beck argue?


Preview of the front of card 5
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