Crimes in Anglo Saxon England

  • Created by: Natalie
  • Created on: 23-11-17 19:45
What was the punishment for stealing?
They would have their hands or feet cut off
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What was the punishment for slander?
Having the tongue cut off
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What was the reasoning behind the punishment for stealing?
As it made it harder for people to steal, and it acted as a visual reminder to others.
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What are some examples of minor crimes?
Petty theft. not going to Church during Lent.
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How were minor crimes punished?
They would face a fine
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What was the punishment for the most serious crimes - treason?
Execution by beheading, burning or hanging
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Why was the reasoning behind the punishment for slander?
As it made it impossible for people to speak lies about someone, and it acted as a visual reminder.
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What was the punishment for major crimes or repeat offences?
Fines or confiscation of property or beatings,floggings
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What was the punishment for more serious crimes (murder/arson)?
Execution - mainly by hanging, but sometimes by beheading, burning, stoning or drowning
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Why did public beatings take place?
People got a chance to repent for their sins rather than execution
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Why was it important to punish treason?
As Anglo-Saxon hierarchy meant challenging the king was punished very harshly
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Why were harsh punishments used?
As they had no police force, so they needed to deter people
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the punishment for slander?


Having the tongue cut off

Card 3


What was the reasoning behind the punishment for stealing?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are some examples of minor crimes?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How were minor crimes punished?


Preview of the front of card 5
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