Criminal 0.0 / 5 ? LawCriminal lawASAQA Created by: deanna165Created on: 03-03-17 17:42 This is the mental element Mens Rea 1 of 8 No mens rea is needed for these offences Strict Liability 2 of 8 The guilty act Actus Reus 3 of 8 The actus reus for this offence is 'unlawfully killing of a human being' Murder 4 of 8 The failing to act towards a duty Ommision 5 of 8 Parliament has said to do this duty Statutory Duty To Act 6 of 8 Judges have made this duty Commen Law Duty To Act 7 of 8 The role in society makes you act Duty To Act Based On A Persons Public Position 8 of 8
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