criminology unit 2 ac1.2

  • Created by: kaydeypoo
  • Created on: 20-03-24 19:04
Why do laws change overtime?
Social norms change overtime and the law must respond to this. The law needs to reflect changes in society in order to stay fair, relevant, and up to date. Laws may also come into effect due to previous crimes and their associated campaigns, eg, Sarah's L
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Why do laws change from culture to culture?
Social norms can vary alot across different cultures, so the law responds to this. History, religion, and tradition may have affected norms and therefore some behaviours might be criminal in some countries due to their culture, but not in others.
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Why do laws change depending on the circumstances?
The social context can vary even though the act is the same which can affect how a crime is punished/justified. Different situations may mean that the same behaviour is viewed differently - may be criminal in one and not the other
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What laws changed overtime?
The Health Act 2006 - it became a crime to smoke in any pub, restaurant, nightclub, and most workplaces and work vehicles in the UK
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What other laws changed overtime?
The Marriage Act, 2013 - was legalised for same-sex couples to become married
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What laws are legal and illegal in different cultures?
Honour crimes - illegal in the UK, seen as deviant and punishable by law. Other cultures, mostly religious countries, do not see honour crimes as deviant, and so are still legalised in places like Pakistan.
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What laws are legal and illegal in different cultures?
Homosexuality legal in UK (Sexual Offences Act 1967), but is against the law in 72 other countries, like Morocco and Bangladesh, and is punishable by the death penalty in 6 other countries, like Yemen
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What circumstances can change the law
Criminal age of responsibility: UK, if a child is under the age of 10, they cannot be arrested, charged, or prosecuted. In scotland the criminal age of responsibility is 12.
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What circumstances can change the law?
Moral panics - due to public outrage or fear in certain situations can mean the offenders are treated more harshly - London Riots, a person was found to have stolen a bottled water from a shop and was given six months in jail due to the moral panic happen
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Card 2


Why do laws change from culture to culture?


Social norms can vary alot across different cultures, so the law responds to this. History, religion, and tradition may have affected norms and therefore some behaviours might be criminal in some countries due to their culture, but not in others.

Card 3


Why do laws change depending on the circumstances?


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Card 4


What laws changed overtime?


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Card 5


What other laws changed overtime?


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