Cross Cultural Variations of Attachments Van Iizendoorn & Kroonenburg's research 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAttachmentASAQA Created by: EllieCreated on: 03-01-15 13:14 what terms best fits this definition: the way of life for an entire society culture 1 of 20 What is Meta Analysis? combining and analyzing the results of lots of experiments with the same foccus 2 of 20 according to Van Iizendoorn & Kroonenburg which attachment is the most common? Type B (secure) 3 of 20 according to Van Iizendoorn & Kroonenburg's research what country has the most insecure avoidant infants? West Germany 4 of 20 according to Van Iizendoorn & Kroonenburg research what country has the most insecure resistant infants? Israel 5 of 20 what culture lets people be independent and values achievements? Individualist 6 of 20 what culture has a high degree of dependence within a group of people Collectivist 7 of 20 Name a country with an individualist culture UK 8 of 20 Name a country with a collectivist culture China 9 of 20 What attachment type are babies in collectivist countries likely to have Secure 10 of 20 What attachment type are babies in individualist countries likely to have secure 11 of 20 where was the Strange Situation developed America 12 of 20 how many studies were carried out in individualist cultures? 27 13 of 20 how any studies were carried out in collectivist cultures? 5 14 of 20 Where was the most intercultural variation? japan 15 of 20 Where were over half the studies carried out? America 16 of 20 What term is used when only one culture is taken into account? Ethnocentrism 17 of 20 What culture is most likely to have inter cultural variation collectivist 18 of 20 What experiment did Van Iizendoorn and Kroonenburg use in their Meta analysis Ainsworth's Strnage Situation 19 of 20 why do different cultures have different attachments? they bring up children differently 20 of 20
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